Monday, February 22, 2016

Phallic Potatoes Making The Rounds on Reddit

It has been quite some time since I last blogged, but my love for all things phallic gardening is as strong as ever.  I was perusing reddit the other day when I came across this gem.  Look at that bad boy!  I had not included potatoes in my garden before, but after seeing this, well let's just say there is no doubt I will be in the future!

Now, to just find time to put it in my mouth, er I mean cook it.  Sorry ladies, I may be gone for a while on this one.  But don't worry, if there is one thing I can promise, it is that I am the right woman for this job!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Phallic Vegetable Garden 2011

Sorry for the late posting here as these pictures are a few weeks old. When I start thinking of my phallic vegetables, well let's just say my mind goes elsewhere. It is hard to keep them out of my mouth and hands, let alone find time to get over to this blog.

As you will see from the pictures I decided to mix it up a little bit (now I wish my husband would mix in a salad every now and again!). While staying true to my phallic veggie nature, I have also tried to expand my horizons into other veggies. Without further adieu, the pictures.

The first thing most of my avid readers will notice is that I have introduced tomatoes. Before you go a villify me too quickly, please take one thing into consideration - a woman can't survive on phallic veggies alone. Besides, I have never been one to honor the twig and ignore the berries before, why would I start now!

Hope all your gardening dreams are coming true this summer. I know mine will have me sitting inside for hours at a time later this year!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Smaller isn't necessarily worse when it comes to phallic vegetables

Our latest guest poster Wayne has a quick and to the point post to go with his picture:

"It may be short, but it's fat."

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Is that a tear in my eye?

I have to admit that my gardening style appears to be sweeping the nation. I was just at this other blogspot blog and a tear came to my eye. This gardener "gets it"!

Viva la phallic vegetable garden!

Friday, July 30, 2010

I won't be outdone

Word on the street has it that there is a woman out there who is out to best me. Sure she will tell you that she doesn't even know me, but if you saw here impressive zucchini you would know that she has a target on my back. Here is the article:

Not to be outdone, I plan on growing one 6' 4" next year and will name it "John".

Viva la phallic garden!